Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hiking and Diving

   School got out a few weeks ago and now Aussie summer is in full swing. The first week we did a road trip down the New South Wales coast to Byron Bay. I surfed a lot and I'm getting much better (finally).
14m below sea level...

   Claire and I also have been diving. Today we did our final dive to get out internationally recognized dive card. We started last year about this time and we just finished! We went to a dive spot called Manta Bommie off of North Stradbroke Island on the East coast of Australia. It was an amazing dive! We saw big manta rays and Zebra sharks (known as leopard sharks in the states). I took photos and videos with the GoPro. I will upload the videos onto YouTube sometime early next week. I will post a link, but my channel in called..."KingofAqua" if you want to see other videos from Australia.

  We go to New Zealand after the new year and I will post a blog towards the end of January. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the photos :)

Wild mushrooms on Mt. Warning
Almost to the summit

Summit of Mt. Warning looking East.

It's steeper than it looks! 

Surf's up-Brunswick Heads

Our first pool dive one year ago

1st ocean dive at Tangalooma wrecks-Moreton Island

Lots of fish!!!

Checking out a Zebra shark!

Claire exploring...

Pretty sweet!

Dive selfie.

Dive Master Harvey wanted to check how much air I had left. I only realized later it looked like I was proposing to him :) lol


Harvey and I

Massive Manta Ray. They are amazing animals!

Manta selfie...

Claire checking out a shark

Claire and Harvey on the sandy bottom of Manta Bommie. 

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