Monday, September 28, 2015

Samoa Immersion Trip 2015

    Recently I got back from the middle of the South Pacific (three days ago to be exact). Anyway I had the best experience of my life there! I learnt so much and had so many unique experiences. We visited schools and communities and spent several nights at an all boys school in Apia the capital city. The Samoan people are very simple and live very traditionally. School there is very very simple by our standards today. They have a chalkboard in the front of the room and no other technology. They did all their work on the board and copied it down into small notebooks. Personally I rather do school the Samoan way. It seems less stressful and they don't have to rely on technology to do everything for them which I think is very good even though technology is so helpful. Heck I wouldn't be writing on Blogger if there was no technology. So I guess I should be very thankful and that's the main thing I took away from this trip. 

Amazing swimming hole.
    The boys at Saint Joseph's College and the Samoan people in general were amazing. Some of the most friendly, caring people I've ever met. They loved the 17 of us from Carmel College and treated us like we were family. By the time I left two days later from the school I felt like I was family. I have to say that it was really hard to leave the boys. Especially my friends Tia and Josh who you will see a lot below in the pictures because we were always together. 

    Samoa had days where we were Tourists sticking cameras out windows and visiting snorkeling spots and beaches but it also had days where we were helpers and part of the community. Seeing what some people had made me feel so lucky. I've never seen children so happy to receive school stationery supplies. I learned a little bit takes you a far way in Samoa. At the special school I also learnt how to communicate with others using sign language and how a smile and a thumbs can make someone so happy. 

   Below are the photos I took over the seven days. It was an amazing trip and I hope to be back one day. After going there I  think the world would be a happier, better place if everyone could go to Samoa and see what I saw. Just remember how lucky you are. Enjoy the photos :)  
On the plane 5hrs 28 min.
Landed in the dark.

Sunrise over the pacific.

Outside the house.

$140 Tala...

Walk to the waterfall swimming hole.

World famous To Sua Trench!


Then the sun came out!

Looking up.

A small cove with a beach a friend and I discovered. It was pretty awesome! 

Cathedral in downtown Apia.

Traditional lunch...

Fresh water pool with the ocean over the rocks....Amaile Samoa 

Going through the mountains.

Shredding coconuts to make cream.

The taste of Samoa! So good!!!

Preparing the fire.

Pig and Breadfruit on the fire.

The lads and I. They were awesome!

Native dance.

Beautiful Lalomanu beach!

Not bad at all...

So clear!

Bit of reef.

Nice place to get buried in sand....until the tide comes in. He even gave me a head at my feet to talk to :) 

"Cheeseburger in Paradise" - Jimmy Buffett 

The crew!

The sand tells the story....Samoa

Bug nets under the fala (open air hut) 

Samoan coconut palms. 

Watching dinner being made at the Cultural Centre.

They call themselves the  "Happy Boys" and they were great friends!

Palolo Deep Marine Reserve Apia Samoa. The hole has a mile perimeter and goes from 5 to 80 feet! The sea life is amazing!

Nice fish down at around 4 meters.

Snorkel Selfie...

We saw three black tips while snorkeling. They were only a few feet long......

My friends and I at Saint Joey's.

Saying Tofa (bye)  to Tia and Josh...Tia is on the left Josh on the right.


Robert Louis Stevenson museum Samoa

Apia at night...

Better than Aussie pizza! It had the size....

I liked this photo...

With the Boys :) 

Visiting the Special School in Apia

Getting the moves down. It was so hot outside!

Tofa until next time Samoa.....

Flying over New Caledonia on the way back to Bris.

Back in Bris looking back....

Hope you liked it....  :) 

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