Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Another Great Trip!!!

The small 40k long road.

The park sign

Here are the amazing Crimson Roselia's.

Starting this week we and all of QLD is on a two week break. We just finished week 10. On the last day of school we went to a big them park 40 mins. away with our class. We rode roller coasters and hand feed the kangaroos (pics. coming)... But the first day off we went to Lamington National Park. It is famous for it's birds and it hikes. It is a rain forest park so there are heaps of birds and jungle animals. But the best there was the birds. So these are wild birds right and you fill your hand with seed and these amazing parrots fly right down on to your hand and eat the seed. We are also going to the AU zoo and the Gold Coast. Yesterday we swum in the ocean we are also going to camp in snake county for 4 nights. Stew a Roo LNN
The tree top board walk 90ft. up!!!
Cate the bird wrangler
Polly want a seed!!
The crimson and the AU king parrot eating
Hey they even look alike
Mom Dad and the parrot the new kid
A and I with the parrots
And Mom Owen and Aidan Owen was scared of them:):)

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