Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Big Bang at the end of Vaction!!!

  This week for 4 days Aidan, dad and I went on a road trip. We drove 5 hours south/west of Brisbane. We drove thought to great dividing range a big range of mountains. The landscape was beautiful to watch fly by the window. At Giraween NP we camped and saw many cool animals birds, kangaroos, joeys and many more. It is famous for it's big granite domes so we hiked a lot of 2k hikes. New England was one of the best it was cool because we were 4000 ft. above sea level. There is Foliage and it sometimes snows!!! We also saw the second biggest waterfall in Australia 260m! The next day we drove thought lots of cool little bush towns. It rained so we rented a cool cabin on the ocean. We could here the waves crashing into the headland all night. Then the next day we drove to some small towns called Byron Bay and Lynx Head. They are famous towns because of the BB light house from 1901. Lennox is famous for it's amazing headland that looks over all of BB and LH. There both hip surfer towns so we watch the surfers and swam with the dolphins jumping out beyond. It was the best trip ever in AU. G'DAY MATES lnn:)

                                        ( more pics. comeing tomorrow net down:(

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