Monday, September 17, 2012

Koalas, Kangaroos and more great Aussie animals

We finally got to the Lone Pine, a world reknowned Koala Sanctuary, rehab center and open air zoo since the 1920's, that's on the Brisbane River a few miles south of town. Koalas are an iconic symbol of wild Australia worldwide, although their historic range is only on the east coast of AU; centered in the Brisbane region. Their numbers are declining rapidly, mostly due to suburban sprawl, habitat loss, cars and pet dogs. The sanctuary does a great job of educating the public on the great animals there. It was also a present for Owen for his Birthday he loved it!!!
So here is pictures from our great experience.

At the front sign

A great little Koala

The whole family:)

Aidan and his Koala

Big Hug

A male Kangaroo... really

A big cassowary

Big Smiles:)

Claire and her new friend Ms. Koala

A wombat there like a small furry pig! They smell like a pig to!

Joey and his Mom behind
The boys with there little friend the red rock Wallaby
Claire and Aidan with a big Emu
The Roo family
Brissy at night
Fresh squid I caught!
Wow down under really down under!
Off our dock
Me mucking around with suncream:)

Owen's Birthday Roo!!!


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