Sunday, June 10, 2012

Teaching Owen how to skateboard

Peel Island a great island we boated out to
 Sorry mates have not been able to write lately we have been on heaps of wild trips. All over QLD and NSW!!! My mate Sam and I where fishing yesterday by my house and we saw 15 dolphins they were chasing some fish! One got about 3m from me we tried to swim with them but they swam off to fast. Lots of fishing this Friday Aidan Sam and I are skipping school to go out fishing in the bay so pics of that will be here next week!!! But got pics. now hope you enjoy!!!

Sandy the cockatoo she talked too
Kangaroos in the camp ground!!!
L to R: Khai, Sam and Alex we built computers!!
Small squire my friend Jackson invited me on his boat got up at 5 in the morning
Claire Owen and Cate with there sand chair
Sam and me on our kayak trip
Jackson get that fish!!!
Sam's rugby game
Out our kitchen window
Aidan's yellow tail pike 
Mr. Crab he was nice!!!

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