Wednesday, August 15, 2012

On The Reef!!!!!

Hey world just came from Cairns it was a amazing city on the reef. We stayed at the Pullman Reef Casino it was a great hotel in downtown Cairns. We snorkeled off of Green Island the coaral and fish were amazing. We saw clown fish and heaps more amazing things. We just drove up to Cow Bay 3hrs from Cains in the jungle. There are amazing jungle animals and birds. There is Crocs and cool fish we are going fishing tomorrow can't wait then we are going snorkeling again!!! Right now it's night in the jungle it's raining we are staying at the best B and B. We have a cabin in the middle of a rainforest it's called the Epiphyte. Our hosts made the best breakfast this morning there was a 10 fruit pladder it was amazing and tasted so good. It has been great!!! And our host gave us a rain forest tour it was great!!!!

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