Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You can look but you better not touch. (Wigles song)

The gaurds on duty very young.

Look close want to swim?

Me killing the jellies with my bunggy cord.
        This weekend was great we had a lot of fun! We went to an place called Coochiemodlu Island. It was a 10 minute ferry ride across the bay to get there. We got there all ready to swim, but our idea's changed very soon. We talked to the life guards, and they said the water was full of jelly fish. There were clear white ones that would not sting, but there were mostly "blubbers" or blue stinging jellies. The beach was full of them, we were catching them and giving them to the lifeguards. The lifeguards were hitting them with cricket bats and burring them in the sand. People were getting stung left and right. We were and fling them on to the sand. Owen got stung I flung one right on to him oops my bad!! Then Aidan got this stupid  "great" idea to shove a jelly down my trunks. So he did I spend the last half hour of vacation at the water fountain rinsing out my trunks.If you know what I mean. It hurt alot. (New paragrah) That                                                                                                                                      night it got a lot better we went fishing and got Ice cream on the beach. But then this guy said there was a snake in the grass. OK small garter snake right. WRONG three foot brown snake it would have hurt real bad. So that's it for now:) p.s. snake pics coming...
The ferry.
Looking down paradise in febuary.

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